
The worldwide leader in automotive and motorcycle repair, maintenance and customizing manuals with sales of over 150 million total sold globally, Haynes Manuals are a must read for all car owners. Haynes Manuals are the ultimate DIY guide books for used, collector, and newer vehicles. As one of the most widely read automotive books in the world, Haynes Manuals covers the motoring industry from Acura to Volvo, from BMW to Yamaha.

What sets Haynes Manuals apart is the attention to detail that goes into the production of each book. Every manual is written from hands-on experience based on a complete teardown, which is the step-by-step procedure of dismantling a particular vehicle part-by-part. This is followed by the detailed rebuilding of the specific model it documents. Writing each manual takes 30 man-weeks, with authors working as teams to shorten the production time and avoid fatigue during the difficult process. Hundreds of photographs accompany each manual’s step-by-step instructions. The books are written from the actual experience of Haynes’ own expert personnel using only a basic set of tools and presented in a style that any DIYer can follow, even a beginner. The DIYer can save a great deal of time and money, not to mention feeling proud of the job, by using a Haynes book.

John Haynes OBE wrote and published his first book, on building an Austin 7 Special, while he was still at school in 1956. He wrote two more ‘Special builders’ manuals while doing his National Service in the RAF. The first ‘proper’ Haynes Manual, for the Austin Healey ‘Frogeye’ Sprite, was published in 1965. Based on the teardown and rebuild of the project vehicle and with extensive use of step-by-step photographs--a process that has not changed to this day--this manual set the standard for many generations of manuals to follow.

Haynes Publishing was founded in 1960. The company now has offices in the UK, USA and Australia. Chilton Repair Manuals, are also part of Haynes Publishing Group.

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