Wild 1

We've been avid Harley riders since the 1980's. We decided to open a retail and repair shop on Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach CA called Wild Rides Pit Stop. it went well for a few years. In 1996 unfortunately we were shut down. We decided to start getting into manufacturing aftermarket parts for Harleys. We were already schooled on what customers wanted to do to make their bikes their own because we are one of them. Handlebars, pipes & seats were the first thing we wanted to replace. Pipes would have been a battle dealing with the EPA laws. We knew nothing about stitching or leather so seats were out. Handlebars were the best fit for us. We were already machining parts to make one offs for custom bikes so we were off and running. Hay, let's make them fatter than stock!!! All our products always have been and always will be made in the USA. The rest is history.

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      Codice Prodotto: WO201
      107,41 €
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